TheRecordXchange v1.9 Launch Notes
Introducing TheRecordXchange version 1.9
Recently, we launched TheRecordXchange version 1.9. This new release includes several new / enhanced features for Customers and Providers.
If you have any questions, you can always reach us through email (customersuccess@trxchange.com) or the chat bubble in the lower right corner of every TRX page:
Upload Files to an Order
Orders now have an “Upload Files” button, allowing customers to upload content directly to their order. Content uploaded to the Order will also display in the associated Project, once it’s been created, but cannot be viewed from the Order itself.
Create / View Project Buttons
The “Create / View Project” buttons have changed slightly. “Create Project” is no longer used. Instead, the Order displays the “View Project” button both before and after Project creation.
If the Project has not yet been created from the order, clicking “View Project” will present a pop up dialogue box asking to confirm creation of the Project.
Manage Project Files
The Content tab within a project now has a “manage files” button. This allows Project Owners to associate content to a turn that’s already been created. More to come on this new feature.
If you have any questions at all, just let us know, we’re always happy to help.
Your Dedicated Customer Success Team